Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September: things to be happy about.

(this list is mostly for myself, but i thought it might be fun to share)

*besides you all know how much i love an excuse to make a "list"

all the things i am happy about for September 2010:

1. vegas: 30 amazing friends celebrating my quarter life-ness with me labor day weekend. epic.

2. dinners with wine: celebrating my actual birthday on the actual day with close friends and family.

3. party for my clients: (AKA 1 big dance party)

4. training for my marathon (continues): really starting to enjoy running. minus my possible pulled hamstring on my long run last night. cool.

5. moving: finding a cute place, and decorating it as cute as can be.

6. mama: planning her 60th birthday celebration.

7. donations: less than $1,000 to go until we reached our goal. pretty cool.

i love september.
mainly because it's my birthday month.
but also because the season starts to change.
i have lots of things to look forward to.
and because i know i am not starting school with the rest of the kids (sorry teens)
it will never get old.

wishing you all a wonderful September.
go out and celebrate.

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