Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
happy 60th to my momma.
60 reasons why i love her to bits:
- i love her because when i was younger i got a note in my lunches. daily.
- i love her because she is the best snack pack maker ever. going to the movies with her is like going to a 5 course meal. amazing.
- i love her because she always gets pedicures with the same color. Always.
- i love her because if you call her during a LSU or SAINTS game, she will most likely be yelling when she answers.
- i love her because when she dances, she goes to the floor. literally.
- i love her because she has a hard time saying no.
- i love her because she gives the best advice.
- i love her because she loved my crazy dad more than life itself.
- i love her because she makes more to-do lists than i do! and that is saying a lot.
- i love her because she makes the WORLDS best jumbalya. hands down my favorite meal.
- i love her because she still makes me care packages.
- i love her because when we go on a trip my mom prints out fun things to do, the weather, maps, etc. oh ya, and makes copies for us! she would.
- i love that she is turning 60 yet looks 40. dang i hope that happens to me!
- i love that her drink of choice is always jack and 7! straight up.
- i love that when i was in middle school my momma was our basketball coach and we won back-to-back champions! never happened again. hollar.
- i love that she is the cutest person on this planet.
- i love that she is a social worker - explains her ability to love in a nutshell.
- i love that she knows stats on ANY sports team out there. i will put her against ANYONE.
- i love that after the year she’s been through... she still is the most loving, caring, compassionate person i have ever met.
- i love that people tell me “your mom is seriously the cutest” oh i know.
- i love her because she attends FOGG meetings weekly (AKA her friends get together to talk about gardening, and drink. a lot)
- i love her because when “important life info” is needed to be shared - she emails my brother and me immediately. example, this week - flu shots. thanks ma!
- i love that she isn’t very tecky (sorry momma, you aren’t caught up with the times!)
- i love that she and i look forward to talking about greys and private practice after they are over.
- i love that calls/texts me RIGHT as teams are scoring goals.... “did you see that!” um. mom i am at the game, remember? oh man, love her.
- i love that i talk to her everyday (or twice) and we still have SO much to talk about!
- i love when new movies come out and we plan our weekends around them!
- i love that when times are tough she is ALWAYS positive.
- i love that HER mom is just like her. same hair just maw maw’s is a litttttle whiter ;)
- i love that she signs off on texts and emails with “LUV” gosh, she is so hip.
- i love that my mom is obsessed with bargain shopping.
- i love that my mom has the biggest heart.
- i love when my mom laughs so hard so cries. hilarious.
- i love that my mom will always say “your my favorite daughter” when i tell her to be honest about who’s her favorite child.
- i love that i can tell my mom anything. even if i know she doesn’t want to hear it.
- i love seeing her face when brother and i surprise her!
- i love her because her salads are famous, along with her remoulade sauce.
- i love her because she can’t say names that start with “u” (she pronounces it like “WHOOO”) um, why? HA!
- i love my momma because she isn’t scared on zip lines. or wait?
- i love that my mom broke her wrist gardening. who does that?
- i love that my momma once got told the ONLY way she would be better is if she was taller. hilarious.
- i love my mom because she loves the dollar store. i mean LOVES it.
- i love my mom because when i tell her i want a baby she usually tells me i need a man first. hmmm.
- i love my mom because when i miss dad she makes me laugh like he would.
- i love that when teams are losing, she turns off the tv, and miraculously they win. she really believes it’s her doing. aw, love her. she calls it her “switcharoo” trick.
- i love that my mom will come to bars with my friends because she doesn’t want to miss out on the fun.
- i love my mom because she knows the most random facts ever. and is always right!
- i love that my mom sometimes loses her sunglasses in her hair.
- i love that my mom is more brave than i could ever be.
- i love that i can snuggle with my mom still.
- i love that my mom is the first person i call with big news (okay, usually on a 3 way call with my brother)
- i love that my mom is so proud of me and my brother. and i love that she tells us everyday.
- i love that my mom is always looking out for others, no matter what.
- i love that i can’t live without her. ever.
- i love that she always says “you got all your good qualities from me!” ha!
- i love that she always puts her kids first.
- i love my momma because she believes the best in everyone.
- i love that she hasn’t changed her “fro” since the 80’s.
- i love that she never missed one of my soccer games, and always gave the best pep talks.
- i love that no matter how tragic our last year has been we have made it through because of her. she is my angel on earth.
- i love that when i am a mom, i hope to be exactly like her. and if not, she’s living with me and my family to help out and teach me how to be more like her.
happy birthday momma bear. you are the best woman i know. thank you for being so perfect for all of us to want to emulate. you are my hero and i love you more and more each day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010
It was 95 degrees in LA today. I’m sorry Summer did you get confused and decide to show yourself in November? Ya, it’s been a weird year for the weather. I have been saving money so i have cut back on my Starbucks visits (shocking i know) but i have made my own delicious cool drink to take over for now. I even put my drink in a cute Starbucks container just to make me feel better. Ingredients: add 1/2 cup of ice, 1/2 Chai tea mix (my favorite is Oregon Chai Tea mix), and 1/2 non fat milk. stir and devour. simple yet amazing.
i suggest you try it. you are very welcome.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
fact: i always want to cut it super short after it grows really long.
fact: i love it when i cut it off for a week, then i get over it.
fact: i think i am going to cut it like this after the holidays:

i need input.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
hello, again!
you know the drill.
all the things i did not do this past week
(yep, i kid, it's the things i did do this past week)
welp, here goes nothing!!
i did not love listening to taylor swifts cd on repeat. seriously, i know every word now. i love her.
i did not love halloween weekend 2010 and all the fun we did not have!! looking forward to next year... got some costume ideas already!
i did not love the movie life as we know it, nor did i cry during most of it. ugh, sappy movies get me every time.
i did not love getting my new iphone4. why did i wait so long to get the iphone 4? well maybe because i had to get a new one (my 3 broke, sadly)
i did not love booking our family vacation in a few weeks! much needed family time :) OH Canada here we come!!!!
i did not love watching the Giants win the world series! why do i get so emotional at every 7th inning stretch. i mean, i don't even know a single players name. and i refuse to be a bandwagon fan. i just can't help when a team wins that really deserves it!!
i did not love girl time with michelle and especially pedicures!! something about those feet massages that make my day!
i did not love seeing the galaxy win vs. seattle!!! hoping for a MAJOR win this coming weekend!!
i did not love finding out i am going to the GQ party this year!! need dress options stat!
i did not love winning our heat indoor game (as usual) and especially did not love hearing the other team complain about us doing so :) ooops!
i did not love getting back into the gym after a much needed post marathon break. back at it. slowly....
i did not love finding a REALLY cute hair cut i think i'm gonna do after the holidays! maybe? probably not? who knows.. will post the idea tomorrow and you guys can help me decide!
i did not love getting my mom's 60th birthday gift together. she knows what she's getting mainly because she said "Jen, don't forget my gift" but seriously. still excited.
i just can't wait to kiss her face off! countdown to the holidays has begun!
i did not love listening to bruno mars on SNL. honestly, i have a HUGE crush on him.
i did not love our two little two year old twin girl neighbors (wow, that's a tongue twister) dressed up for halloween! they are SO cute!
i did not love reading that our donation list for the run is the highest of our team! 2 more weeks left to donate!! do it!!
post your not me mondays!
it's so much cheaper than therapy.

Monday, November 1, 2010
we had a great time being GLEEKS!!
(AKA Sue Sylvester and a Cheerio) from GLEE.
we had the best costumes. duh.
playing dress up and handing out treats is my idea of a perfect halloween.
and um, can you believe it's november?